Nancy's blog tour has proved hugely popular and she has had a loyal band of followers/commenters at each session. I hope you find today's session equally intriguing. Please tell us what you think after the session.
Firstly, in case this is your first visit to the blog tour, here is a little information about N.R.Williams:
N. R. Williams lives in Colorado, U.S.A. with her husband. She is delighted to have two three year old grandchildren, cousins. She’s a long time member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and has been privileged to attend conferences and workshops. Since her formative years, she’s been inventing fantastical stories and since she could spell she’s been writing them down. While she majored in art in college, she didn’t make a living at it. Now, she uses her skills of observation to create fantastical worlds, interesting characters and stories that touch the heart.
Fantasy is not a genre that I, myself, am completely familiar with, so I was intrigued when I first read the synopsis of "The Treasures of Carmelidrium," wondering what elements I would find in this story - romance? suspense? horror? How would these elements add to the story? Let's hear what Nancy has to say.
What Elements Are in the Story?

Today we will talk about the elements in a story. My story. You may say, “What do you mean by elements?” Good question.
Elements in a story are types of tension built within it to bring added dimension. Some genres are specific with the treatment of its story. In Romance, you must have romance. In a Cozy Mystery, there must be a murder on the first page. Usually the investigator is not a member of the police. In a Suspense Thriller you’d better have suspense and thrills, blood and gore, murder and mayhem. In Urban Fantasy you need to have a raw edge to your writer’s voice.
These are all elements of the story. More and more, stories can also have elements of another type of novel. A Romance can also be a Thriller. A Cozy Mystery may have paranormal activity. A Suspense Thriller may have Romance. Urban Fantasy might encompass a who done it. The way you determine which category each book is, is by the first type. Therefore in a Romance Thriller, the romantic aspect is stronger than the thrills.
“The Treasures of Carmelidrium,” is an epic fantasy more because some publishers don’t have a category for high fantasy. What does epic or high mean? Usually it means that the characters have a quest that must be fulfilled. It can also mean that they must endeavor to defeat the villain and the quest may be a journey of self discovery. Frodo must endure hardships and isolation enforced on him by the power of the “ring.” Samwise will not leave Frodo’s side regardless of how much Frodo tries to push him away. The quest is to get rid of the “ring” in the fires of Mordor. (The Lord of the Ring, J. R. R. Tolkein).
In the “Treasures of Carmelidrium,” Missie is forced to come to terms with the fact that she has been transported to a medieval world. Here in Gil-Lael, her music is powerful. It can heal, destroy and empower the treasures. On her journey, she has several romantic interludes with the prince. She is hunted, attacked and fearful for her life. The elements of romance and suspense follower her; plus the mystery of who Renwyk, the villain, is. These elements create tension, tenderness, fear, questions about what she wants, and more. They are the secondary plots. The reason the reader wants to turn the page. In the end, it is the elements; more than the quest that helps Missie grow from a young twenty year old college student into an adult. She must decide what is more important to her and waivers at every turn.
The reader is given clues throughout. This isn’t a cozy mystery, so my clues are not hidden. But until the end, Missie doesn’t know what she will do and the reader may guess, you might even cheat and read the last page first, but for the character, this is a journey of self discovery.
I’ll be by throughout the day to answer questions and comment.
And don't forget, leave your email address with your comment as there are 3 e-books of Treasures of Carmelidrium to give away. Don't miss out on the chance!

Thank you,
N. R. Williams (Nancy)
Thank you so much Nancy, for explaining to us the elements of your story. I'm sure "The Treasures of Carmelidrium" has captured our imaginations and we're all excited to read it. We all wish you the best and may you have a best-seller on your hands!
Enjoy the rest of your tour...
Thank you Denise for having me here today on my blog book tour.
For those of you stopping by, this post will be up tomorrow as well. Don't forget to leave your email address so I can enter you into my contest to win one of 3 e-books.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Yes, this post will remain up for several days.
Hi, Denise! Hi, Nancy!
It sounds like there are some fascinating elements in The Treasures of Carmelidrium. Also, thanks for the definition of "high" and "epic" Fantasy--I'd been wondering about what it meant exactly.
High fantasy also implies a lot of world building.
Good job, Nancy!
I am in awe of your imagination, Nancy!
Morgan Mandel
The more I hear about Missie's misadventures, the more I want to read about them. Another excellent post, Nancy! Looking forward to seeing you over at World of the Scribe tomorrow!
You're welcome Golden.
So true Alex.
Thank you Morgan. You left your email address so I've entered you into the contest.
I'm looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow too, Jeffrey.
Thanks everyone for your comments.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
I'm so impressed by the world building that goes into high fantasy. Nice to meet you Nancy!
Thank you Lydia, it's nice to meet you too.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
As you know I've read your book Nancy and I think it's awesome! I've posted reviews on Amazon, Smashwords and Goodreads. Yes, I know, I'm lovely.
That you are L'Aussie...Denise. You always bring a smile to my face.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
I'm in awe of anyone who can create a world in which to tell a story. You do a wonderful job Nancy.
Thoughts in Progress
Great post!
I like the way you say that the clues aren't hidden.
I do mine a little differently. I have my clues hide in plain sight. The smallest thought or action might have huge ramifications later.
I would love to win your book!
Hi Nancy, Hi Denise,
Another interesting post on the journey into Carmelidrium. I love hearing about world building as fanasty isn't my genre (although I like reading it very much)
Thinking about the elements in my own work, I came up with Romance with Quirks and Lighthearted Paranormal with Recipes!
Hi Denise. (Waves)
Hi Nancy. Thanks for your interesting thoughts about the elements in fiction. I guess it's all part of identifying the market for the work, and it's often difficult to shoe-horn a book into a conventional category.
Interesting post, thank you.
Great to see you here guys. This blog tour of Nancy's has been so good hasn't it?
Most books these days are blend of elements and genres.
Good morning everyone, or in some cases, good afternoon or evening or later. LOL
Thank you L'Aussie for having me.
That is sweet Mason, thanks.
Hi Misha, love to see you again. You left your email so I've got you in the contest.
Hay Margo, Love it, ghostly recipes. You left your email too, so you are also entered into my contest.
Hi Tony, you're right. If is sometimes difficult to figure out where your book goes. You also are in the contest.
L. Diane, it is so true that many authors are creating a blend in their stories.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
I want to thank Denise, L'Aussie, for having me. I appreciate it. I'll be by all weekend to check and see if there are any more comments.
The last stop on my blog book tour is Monday, I hope most of you will make it.
The contest ends 9 pm on Monday, that is 8 pm pacific time USA. I will compile everyone's names, many of you entered more than once and let my grandson, 3 years old, pull the names. At this writing there are over 70 entries.
Good luck everyone.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
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